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How does it work?The Super Frecator 6800 uses a high frequency electrical current that delivers a precise spark through a micro-needle to cauterize and desiccate skin growths. During the procedure the micro-needle remains above the skin surface; it does not penetrate the skin. As the growth is removed, a natural protective coating or scab develops that cover the treated area. Within the next few days, the scab will fall off and be replaced by healthy new skin cells, the color of the surrounding skin tissue. In most cases, there is no visible indication of the previous growth.
How does it differ from liquid Nitrogen?The Super Frecator 6800 is usually more effective than liquid Nitrogen in removing skin growths. Frequently, more than one application of liquid Nitrogen is needed to remove a growth, whereas only one Super Frecator treatment is usually necessary. Also, Super Frecator treatments are less expensive.
Are the skin growths safe to remove?In most cases, skin growths are non-cancerous and can be safely removed. The treatment is performed by a professional, certified technician who has been trained to identify the different types of skin growths appropriate for the treatment. All treatments are performed using the strictest sanitary procedures.
Is the treatment permanent?Yes! Once a skin growth has been treated with the Super Frecator it does not return. However, if your skin is prone to these types of growths, new ones may appear elsewhere on your face and body.
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